So, you have an unlevel floor in your bathroom which is causing an uneven bathtub as well. We get it. It’s not nice to be in such a position, is it?
But, it’s not the end of the word. In fact, if you can level the floor, you’ll be able to fix this problem. So, what problems does an unlevel bathtub cause?
Well, an unlevel bathtub will cause the water to not drain properly. Moreover, it’ll cause leaks as well. Therefore, how to level a bathtub on an unlevel floor?

Don’t worry, it’s easy. As a matter of fact, we’ve shown all the ways on how you can level a bathtub on an unlevel floor. Moreover, we’ve also discussed elaborately on what problems unleveled bathtubs can cause.
In the end, there’s also an FAQ session. This session will clear all the confusion you might have about this problem.
Got a little time to check out our guide? Let’s get right into it.
Why Should You Level a Bathtub?
Before you start leveling the bathtub, it’s important to know what problems it can create. I mean you can keep it as it is, right? Well, an unlevel bathtub can create quite some issues.
Let’s take a look at the problems:
1. Accumulation of Water in the Corners
Yes, you’ll often observe that some water is always accumulated on the corners of your tub. Well, at first glance you might think it’ll dry off. But, it doesn’t dry at all.
In fact, the water always stays in that position. But, why does this happen? If your tub isn’t leveled completely, water can accumulate on the corners.
2. Formation Of Mold
Whenever water accumulates on a surface for a long time, molds start forming in them. As a result, water accumulation in your tub causes the mold to form in the tub.
By now, you’ll know why water accumulates on the tub’s surface. So yes, the unleveled construction of the tub causes mold formation.
3. Leakage of Water
If the tub isn’t leveled correctly, it’ll cause water leaks as well. Hence, this is a big issue as it’ll cause mold formation and accumulation of water in your bathroom. Moreover, leakage of water can make your bathroom dirty too.
4. Improper Drainage
Improper construction contributes to improper drainage. If the tub doesn’t drain the waters properly, you’ll have a dirty tub in your washroom.
Apart from this, improper drainage causes different bacteria to exist in the tubs. So, it’s not a pleasant situation to be in.
How to Level an Existing Bathtub?
By now, you’ll know the problems that an unlevel bathtub creates in your bathroom. And, you might want to change that, right? If you’re wondering if the process is hard or not, let me tell you something.
The methods that we’re about to show you aren’t time-consuming or hard at all. In fact, if you can follow them correctly, you’ll fix this issue easily. So, without any further ado, let’s look at the process:
Tools You’ll Need
Yes, you’ll require a set of tools for the job. Let’s take a look at them:
Method 1: How to Level an Existing Bathtub With Mortar Process?
Even though you’ll need the help of a friend to complete this method, it’s not time-consuming. Let’s look at the whole step-step process:
Step 1: Measure the Distance & Dimension
Firstly, take your measuring tape. Then, start measuring the distance between the side flanges and the base of the tub. Also, measure the length of the legs of the tube.
Here, you’ll need to know that the legs would be normally hidden under the mortar. So, if you don’t have a decorative leg in your tub, it’ll still work.
On the other hand, you need to measure the dimension of the tub as well. Also, make sure you trace the outline where you’ll install the tub again.
Step 2: Mix the Mortar
After you’re done, start mixing a thin-set mortar. Use water to mix the mortar and keep it as it is for a few minutes. By doing this, you’ll allow the mortar to thicken.
Following this, take a trowel and start spreading the mortar on the marked area. You shouldn’t stop here as you’ll need to add the mortar till it reaches an inch deep.
Step 3: Place Tub on Mortar
Take the tub and put it on the top. Here, you’ll need a friend to help you out with the process. After you’re done placing the tub on the top, push it downwards. You’ll need to push it till the flange touches the floor.
Step 4: Repeat the Process
Yes, you heard me right. You’ll need to continue the process for the remaining three sides of the tub. Push the sides down so that the tub is in a leveled position.
In the end, make sure the whole tub is leveled. If needed, take your measuring tape out and check the measurements.
Step 5: Clean & Dry the Mortar
You’ll need to wipe away any bit of mortar that is under the tub. Take a trowel and start taking off any residue. However, you’ll have to make sure that you’re doing this before the mortar dries off.
Because if you don’t, the mortar will dry after a while. As a result, your work will become even harder. Also, make sure you’re cleaning the floor as well.
Turns out, the mortar can take even 24-30hours to dry completely. So, don’t be impatient and let the drying process complete before using the tub again.
Method 2: How to Level an Existing Bathtub With Metal Shims Process?
Using shims to raise the level of the bathtub is an efficient way of solving the problem. However, you can also use wooden shims or hardwood as an alternative. So, let’s look at the step-step process:
Step 1: Add Shims
Firstly, you’ll need someone to lift the tub. After this, you’ll have to place shims under the tub or the base. Mainly, target the legs of the tub or the base.
Here, you can use hardwood, softwood, wooden shims, and metal bathtub shims to cover up the level. The shims can compress the weight of the water and bathers over time.
Step 2: Repeat the Process
You’ll have to continue the process on the remaining sides. So, lift the tub up and start adding shims in the tub as necessary. Make sure you are maintaining a level as well.
Step 3: Test the Level & Put Caulk
Measure and test each of the sides to confirm that the tub is leveled. After you’re done, lift the tub again. And this time apply silicone caulk to secure shims in place.
Following this, take the utility knife and start cutting the caulk. After this, squeeze the bottom. As a result, excess caulk will start coming out of the bottom of the shim.
Step 4: Repeat the Process
With the rest of the shims, do the same. First, lift up the tub and start adding caulk under the shims to secure it. Also, if you find that the level is not right, start again.
However, make sure you’re doing all this process before the caulk dries up. Because it’ll make the process hard if it dries.
Step 5: Clean & Dry
Similarly, with the previous method, clean the floor. Also, take out any residue from the tub. Keep in mind that you’ll have to do this before the caulk dries up in place.
If the caulk dries up in place, you’ll have to scrape it all off. And yes, you’ll need to give it time for the drying process to complete. 24-26hours is enough so you can use the tub again after drying it for this time.
How to Fix Large Gap Between Tub and Floor?
Mainly, a gap occurs between the tub and the floor due to the unleveled construction of the tub. Moreover, sometimes, the tub is leveled but the floor is not.
And this can also cause the same problem to occur again and again. So, how should you fix the gap under bathtub?
Method 1: Attach Marbles/Tiles in your Bathroom
If your bathroom doesn’t have any tiles, getting them will elevate the floor. Plus, the tiles will elevate the floor. Hence, the gap will reduce between the floor and the bathtub. Here, you can also use marbles as an alternative.
Method 2: Using Caulk
By now, you’ve known the usage of caulk in the previous methods. In the same process, you can use a caulk to elevate the floor and reduce the gap between the floor and the bathtub.
So, firstly apply caulk on the flooring under bathtub. By doing this, you’ll fill up the gap between the bathtub and the floor.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you level a bathtub?
Slide in wood under the tub. You can also use a metal shim as an alternative. This will raise the level underneath the tub.
Can you fix a sloping floor?
Even though fixing a sleeping floor isn’t an easy task, you can still do this. In fact, a lot of companies work on this matter. So, you can take help from them.
Wrapping Up
That’s all we have for you. Hopefully, you’ll know how to level a bathtub on an unlevel floor by reading this article.
In the end, we’d like to say that there are easy hacks to fix this problem. And, you can easily use all the hacks and fixes by following this article.
Also, if you’re not confident at doing all those all by yourself, you can always get help. Good Luck. Stay with, Cheers.

Hi, my name is Gary Paulson. I’m an architect who has been working in the construction industry for ten years now. As a weekend warrior, I’ve got quite a few adventures to share. Whether it’s a topic or a project you’re interested in, just let me know! You won’t be disappointed with the post be it an article or a video we’ll do just for you!